O Sumário Executivo começa assim: «The 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action
represents an opportunity to assess the progress made by
the EU in the area of gender equality since the last review
five years previously. This report presents an assessment of
key trends in the EU and its Member States in the period
2007–12, highlighting the areas where there has been
progress and where challenges remain.
What is indisputable is the extent to which the EU has
focused on tackling gender inequality, not only since
committing to monitoring the Beijing Critical Areas in
1995, but previously in its very early days after the Treaty
of Rome. Globally, the EU has reaffirmed its commitment,
developed many policies and ensured resources to make
gender equality a reality. This involved many actors and
institutions at EU level and in the Member States, who have
been dedicated to achieving progress.
Nevertheless, these organisations operate within a context,
which, in the time frame of the review, (2007–12) has proved
to be difficult; with an economic and financial crisis that
had repercussions in many different areas, not least gender
equality. In reviewing progress, it is therefore important
to take this contextual landscape into consideration, the
impact of which has seen some trends worsen within this
interval». Continue a ler.
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