terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015

UNESCO | Igualdade de Género e Cultura

Comecemos por divulgar que a UNESCO tem no seu site um espaço dedicado à IGUALDADE DE GÉNERO - aqui -, e um dos temas é CULTURA - o endereço. Densificando, sob o título   

Gender Equality and Culture pode ler-se:

«Gender equality is an important priority for UNESCO’s work on heritage, creativity and cultural diversity. The equal participation, access and contribution to cultural life of women and men are human rights as well as cultural rights, and an important dimension for guaranteeing freedom of expression for all. A growing body of evidence from UNESCO programmes points to how gender relations come into play in the transmission of knowledge on heritage and the fostering of creativity. Indeed, ensuring that the spiritual, intellectual and creative expressions and interests of all members of the community are reflected has proven to be an important enabler of inclusive development and socio-economic empowerment.
Yet, access to culture can often be restricted to certain social groups, with women and girls in particular facing complex barriers to participate in the cultural life of their communities. Unequal opportunities for women to share their creativity with audiences; ‘glass ceiling’ for women to reach management and leadership positions or to participate in decision-making processes; persistence of dominant views on gender, negative stereotypes and limitations on freedom of expression based on gender; and sex-specific challenges related to accessing specialized technical and entrepreneurial training as well as financial resources.   Recognizing these challenges, UNESCO works closely with governments, civil society and communities to ensure that women’s and men’s roles in cultural life are equally encouraged, valued and visible». +
Agora, assinalar o Relatório da imagem acima cujo índice, a seguir, dá uma boa ideia do conteúdo: 

Para terminar,  um excerto do Prefácio de Farida Shaheed:

«(...).The struggle for women’s human rights, and in particular cultural rights, is not against religion, culture, or tradition. From the human rights perspective, the critical issue is not whether and how religion, culture and tradition prevail over women’s human rights, but how to ensure that women own both their culture including religion and tradition, and their human rights. In practical terms, a key challenge is how to ensure women’s equal participation in discussions and decision-making on these issues and enable them to create new cultural meanings and practices. 
Culture is in constant motion and is always linked to power relations. Cultural rights must be understood as also relating to who in the community holds the power to define its collective identity. Belonging does not confer equality within the community, and there can be multiple views within a community as to the elements that constitute the essentials of one’s culture. It is imperative to ensure that all voices within a community, representing the interests, desires and perspectives of diverse groups, are heard without discrimination. (...)».

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