terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

A CAMINHO DO DIA INTERNACIONAL DAS MULHERES 2014 | Conferência "Preventing violence against women - a challenge for all" | 5 MAR

O Dia Internacional das Mulheres 2014 aproxima-se, e à medida em que formos tendo conhecimento de iniciativas vamos divulgá-las aqui, no Em Cada Rosto Igualdade. E na coluna da direita faremos uma sistematização disso mesmo. Neste quadro, o acontecimento da imagem, do «Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) of the European Parliament». E sobre o dia «8 de março 2014» e a Conferência,  a mensagem do Presidente do Comité:

Mikael Gustafsson
8th March 2014:
International Women's Day is an opportunity to celebrate progress and call for commitment to women’s rights and gender equality. The FEMM committee would like to seize this opportunity to highlight the importance of combating violence against women.
Gender-based violence against women is not just about violence as defined by criminal law. It extends to different types of crime directed against women simply because they are women. It is a type of abuse which contributes to the repression of women as individuals and as a group. Violence inflicted on women is also usually sexualized. Gender-based violence covers offences in the form of violence in close relationships, sexual abuse, human trafficking, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and other forms of violations of integrity which particularly affect women and young girls.
Despite the fact that violence against women has been a topic of debate for several decades, and is considered as a serious human rights violation, the international community has not managed to put an end to it. Therefore, I believe, it is high time to act and to bring our actions in line with our words. The European Parliament has already pointed out the need for a comprehensive legal act to combat all forms of violence against women. Here, I would also like to take the opportunity to extend a warm thank you to the women's rights NGOs all around the world, working either on policy advocacy or at the grassroots' level. Their work means a lot! Without their determination and commitment, often under difficult socio-economic circumstances or within complex political contexts and contradictory legal frameworks, we would not have made the progress we have. We all need to get together and strengthen efforts to prevent violence against women and girls.
On the occasion of IWD 2014 the European Parliament holds a special Interparliamentary Meeting on 5 March and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to an interesting conference!».
Saiba mais sobre a Conferência, nomeadamente quanto aos contributos que estão a ser recebidos: Neste endereço.
E, desde já, o Programa da Conferência.  Sublinhe-se que a  iniciativa pode ser seguida em direto na web.

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