quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2018

DAVOS | «Justin Trudeau tells Davos to put women first»

Sobre a intervenção de Justin Trudeau em Davos, pode saber (em português), por exemplo, aqui.  Depois, em inglês e francês:

And finally, folks, here is a really big one:
Me Too, Times Up, the Women’s March – these movements tell us that we need to have a critical discussion on women’s rights, equality, and the power dynamics of gender.
Sexual harassment, for example – in business and in government – is a systemic problem and it is unacceptable.
As leaders, we need to act to show that truly, time is up.
We must each have a well-understood, established process in place to file allegations of workplace harassment.
And when we receive those complaints, we must take them seriously.
As women speak up, it is our responsibility to listen, and more importantly, to believe.
Folks, treat these not as piecemeal alternatives to how things currently run. Treat these examples as a fundamental, essential shift in the way we operate.
As governments and corporations, are entrusted with a platform and a voice. Let’s use them.
Last year, with our neighbours in the US, we established the Canada-US Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.
The council just put out an important report – their first of five – focused on supporting and growing women-owned businesses.
Cette année, le Canada préside le G7, dont le sommet aura lieu dans Charlevoix, au Québec.
L’avancement des femmes sur les plans social, politique et économique est un aspect important de notre présidence.
L’égalité des sexes et l’analyse comparative entre les sexes seront intégrés dans l’ensemble des thèmes, des activités et des résultats de notre présidence du G7 – y compris dans les réunions ministérielles et lors du Sommet des dirigeants du G7.
Et je suis heureux d’annoncer que Melinda Gates et Isabelle Hudon seront les coprésidentes du Conseil consultatif pour l’égalité des sexes du G7.
Ces deux femmes sont des voix fortes pour l’avancement de l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes et des filles – et s’assureront que l’égalité des sexes demeure une priorité dans tout ce que nous faisons au G7 cette année.
I’m pleased to announce that the co-chairs for the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council will be Melinda Gates and Isabelle Hudon.
Both of these women are global leaders in the advancement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls – and so will ensure that gender equality is a priority through everything the G7 does this year.
2018 will also see Canada hosting Fortune’s Most Powerful Women International summit, and 2019 will bring the Women Deliver Conference to Vancouver – the world’s largest gathering on health, rights, and wellbeing of women and girls.
These are just a few examples of what we’re doing to draw regular and frequent attention to the untapped potential of women and girls around the world.
And that’s not to say that we’ve got it all figured out.
In Canada, we need more women in politics, more women on corporate boards, and more women in STEM.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
So in reflecting on this, let me ask you: What are your challenges? And what are you doing to address them?
Ladies and gentlemen, the hiring, promotion, and retention of women is something we can make happen today, right now.
More women in leadership positions won’t just grow our economy, create jobs, and strengthen our communities.
It will also lead to innovation and change in the workplace – innovation and change that workers so desperately need.
The unrest that we see around the world is palpable, and it isn’t going away.
These are uncertain times. We have a responsibility to address people’s very real concerns.
And the only way we’ll get there is by listening. If we listen to our workers and our citizens, we will create solutions that actually stick.
The people in this room are immensely privileged – we owe it to society to use this privilege for good.
We should ask ourselves – do we want to live in a world where the wealthy hide in their gated enclaves, while those around them struggle?
Or do we want to help create a world grounded in the notion of fairness?
Because right now, we are in real danger of leaving to our kids a world that is less fair than the one we inherited from our parents.
And I know we can do so much better.
Progress of any kind takes hard work.
But by thinking big, and working together, we will build a better world.
Thank you». Saiba mais.


Aproveitando a ocasião,  sobre a Igualdade de Género no Canadá - País de que Justin Trudeau é Primeiro Ministro: veja aqui.

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