sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018

«FIA Charter for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities»

Sexual Harassment and Gender Equality

«In 2010, FIA adopted its Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Charter and it remains a guiding reference document for the Federation. It builds on work that has been ongoing in FIA, stretching back into the 1960s. The focus on gender equality in FIA recognizes that women performers face a range of obstacles and challenges that impact significantly on their working conditions and careers. A wide body of research, including surveys carried out by the Federation and its member unions, testify to this fact. Women performers face shorter careers, lower wages and a narrower choice of work.
The question of the portrayal of gender and the representation of the experience of both men and women is also an important one. Full and equal opportunities are of benefit to all performers. Finding solutions for common challenges related to social protection, work-life balance, childcare and sexual harassment are key for both men and women performers who wish to earn a living from their craft. The issue of sexual harassment has come dramatically to the fore since the revelations starting in 2017 with the Harvey Weinstein case, pointing to an endemic culture of sexual harassment in the sector, affecting many performers in their daily working lives. An international working group was created in FIA in the Autumn of 2017 to address this specific topic and to add value to the ongoing efforts of FIA members at national level». Tirado daqui.

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