terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2016

ESTUDO | «Knowledge and Know-how: the Role of Self-defence in the Prevention of Violence against Women»

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 Self-defence has been used for over a century by feminists to defend their bodily integrity and assert their right to citizenship. However, women’s resistance to violence has been less documented or acknowledged in work on Violence against Women (VAW). Self-defence was considered a radical intervention in the 1970s, with many Rape Crisis Centres building it into their services. Critiques led to ambivalence amongst feminists and policy makers. This meant its potential contribution to prevention has been neglected, but there has been a resurgence of provision and research, especially in the United States, in the last decade. A rapid evidence assessment approach was taken to the depth study with 58 journal articles and books identified, and findings synthesised. Policy development was studied through searches on the Europa website, analysis of Member States Plans of Action, CEDAW and GREVIO reports. A list of manuals was generated, but these were not analysed as they are commercial products not connected to the studies under review. No European minimum standards, or funding streams were identified. (...)». Continue a ler.

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