quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

CALENDÁRIO EIGE 2014 | Mulheres e homens que inspiram a Europa

O Calendário da EIGE para 2014 tem uma particularidade, inclui um Homem,  o Ministro para a Igualdade de Género da Dinamarca  -  Manu Sareen - que começa por dizer que a questão da igualdade de género não diz respeito apenas às mulheres:  

«As a male minister for gender equality, I can serve as a role model. I can show that gender equality not only concerns women but also men and that men play an important role in debating and promoting gender equality in society».

 O Calendário na integra aqui 

E nem de propósito, também da Dinamarca, o Ministro do DesenvolvimentoRasmus Helveg-Petersen -, numa entrevista à UN Women,  do dia 10 último,  fala sobre a questão da igualdade de género no Governo de que faz parte, dizendo nomeadamente :

«1) Why is gender equality important to your Government?
It is a central objective of the Danish strategy for Development Cooperation that Denmark will work to promote all human rights – economic, social, cultural, civil and political – with a special focus on women’s rights and equal access to decision-making, resources and opportunities. Everybody, regardless of gender, should be given equal opportunities in all spheres of life. Furthermore, I believe that gender equality is an integral part of a modern and diverse society as well as a precondition for sustainable economic growth. In Denmark, women and men are ensured formal equality, however, in some areas, women and men still face gender barriers, and we will continue to work on these challenges». Continue a ler.

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