quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2016

CONFERÊNCIA EUROPEIA | «Companies for social change: stopping gender-based violence» | 16 JUNHO 2016 | BRUXELAS

Veja o Programa aqui

Sobre o Peojeto CARVE:

«The CARVE project aims to raise awareness and prevent gender-related violence committed against women through a comprehensive European campaign led by companies. For this conference, companies from all over Europe will gather in Brussels to discuss their role in the fight against gender-based violence. They will share experiences and present the CARVE project “European guide of best practices: companies fighting genderbased violence”, a practical tool for companies who wish to get involved in preventing and combating gender violence. On this occasion, a wide range of stakeholders – from high-level researchers and trade union representatives to major European decision-makers – will participate in debates with the aim to promote the interests companies have to be involved in this fight, and introduce the tools at their disposal in order to do so. This mobilization event will offer a great networking opportunity to companies willing or already taking action as co-inspiration and best practice exchanges will be the hallmark of this event!». Saiba mais.

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