Expresso, 13 setembro 2014
A notícia da imagem leva-nos a recordar o post JAPÃO | «Lugar onde as mulheres brilhem» | PRIMEIRO Ministro do Japão EM DAVOS, onde podemos ler:«(...) Japan must become a
place where women shine. By 2020, we want women to occupy 30% of leading
management positions – a goal that presupposes a more flexible working
environment, as well as support from foreign workers to take over domestic and
personal services. (...)».
E fomos procurar mais, e ficámos a saber que, entretanto, de 12-14 de setembro 2014, se realizou a World Assembly for Women in Tokyo: WAW! Tokyo 2014 de que se pode saber aqui.
Ainda, sobre o processo em curso no Japão Hillary Clinton já se pronunciou, por exemplo: «Much has been made of how far Japan still has to go to bring the number of female workers up to the level of its
counterparts. But Hillary
Clinton—seen as potentially the first female American president—pointed out
to Japan’s biggest ever conference on women’s issues that that the U.S. also has
a long way to go.
In a videotaped speech to a largely adoring crowd, Mrs. Clinton highlighted
that paid leave is one area the U.S. still lags behind even Japan.
“The United States, unfortunately, is one of a handful of developed countries
without paid family leave,” the former secretary of state said in a video
address to attendees of a Japanese government co-hosted conference on women’s
issues». Continue a ler.
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