sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013


A colega Costanza Ronchetti (DGARTES)  lembrou-nos que hoje é o aniversário da revolta de Stonewall (28.06.1969) e dos funerais do ícone gay Judy Garland. E recordado não podíamos deixar de o assinalar. Do muito que se pode encontrar na web:  

A black and white photograph showing the backs of three uniformed police officers and a man with short-cropped hair in a suit pushing back a crowd of young men with longer hair dressed in jeans and contemporary clothing for the late 1960s, arguing and defying the police; other people in the background on a stoop are watching
«This photograph appeared in the front page of The New York Daily News
on Sunday, June 29, 1969, showing the "street kids" who were the first to fight with the police».

«The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. They are widely considered to constitute the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for gay and lesbian rights in the United States». Continue na wikipedia no Stonewall riots.

«Actress and singer Judy Garland is cited as one of the quintessential gay icons»

Historical icons are typically elevated to such status because their sexual orientation remains a topic of debate among historians. Modern gay icons, who are predominantly female entertainers, commonly garner a large following within LGBT communities over the course of their careers. The majority of gay icons fall into one of two categories: They are either tragic, sometimes martyred figures or prominent pop culture idols». +.


E talvez um espaço adequado para divulgarmos o post  Del orgullo a la igualdad, de hoje, no blogue Mujeres do El País que começa assim:

«Hace unas semanas a muchos nos sorprendió gratamente la noticia de que al fin nuestro país encabece un ranking positivo a nivel mundial. Me refiero al estudio realizado por el instituto de investigación social Pew Research Center, según el cual un 88% de los españoles cree que la homosexualidad debe ser aceptada por la sociedad. Este alto índice deja a nuestro país como el primero de los 39 que aparecen en el estudio, incrementando esta aceptación en seis puntos con respecto a los datos de 2007. Unos datos que, sin embargo, no impiden que me siga planteando hasta qué punto la diversidad afectiva y sexual es o no reconocida como una dimensión esencial de la ciudadanía y, por tanto, como una proyección necesaria de la igualdad. Unas dudas que se multiplican si me sitúo en la perspectiva de las mujeres lesbianas y a las que deberíamos intentar responder con las herramientas del feminismo, algo sin embargo poco habitual en buena parte de los colectivos LGTB, además de un enfoque poco visible en las jornadas reivindicativas como las del 28J que suelen tener finalmente el rostrón del varón, también gay, dominante». Continue no blogue Mujeres.


Do que pode aceder no estudo referido no El País que pode ver na integra aqui

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