segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016


A imagem é capa do Catálogo da Exposição organizada pelo Denver Art Museum «Women of Abstract Expressionism».  Desde  que se encontrem, mesmo não procurando, iniciativas destas, é irresistível, há que as trazer para o Em Cada Rosto Igualdade. Razão primeira,  evidenciar que organizar atividades na esfera das artes em torno de «mulheres» continua a fazer sentido. Pode saber-se mais, (abençoada internet), não indo a Denver fisicamente: aqui. De lá:
«The groundbreaking exhibition Women of Abstract Expressionism celebrates the often unknown female artists of this mid-twentieth-century art movement. More than 50 major paintings are on view by artists working on the East and West Coasts during the 1940s and '50s: Mary Abbott, Jay DeFeo, Perle Fine, Helen Frankenthaler, Sonia Gechtoff, Judith Godwin, Grace Hartigan, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Deborah Remington, and Ethel Schwabacher. This is the first presentation of works by these artists together at one time». 

E no NYT pode ler-se:

«Abstract Expressionism is usually treated as a boys-club affair. But it wasn’t, as an exhibition called “Women of Abstract Expressionism” at the Denver Art Museum proves. Not that entry for women was easy. Of the 12 artists in the show, only a few, like Helen Frankenthaler and, to some degree, Grace Hartigan, got to take an early turn in the mainstream spotlight before being shouldered out by men. Others, like Jay DeFeo, Lee Krasner and Joan Mitchell, had to wait years for attention, which came after they died. Many other artists — Mary Abbott, Sonia Gechtoff and Judith Godwin among them — are waiting still».

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