domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013


A propósito do tema da HBR de setembro 2013  (capa na imagem acima) a entrevista seguinte

e o post, publicado num dos Blogues da rede da HBR, com o titulo Ambitious Women Face More Obstacles than Just Work-Life Balance  que nos levou ao video e de onde retirámos o excerto seguinte (destaques nossos que nos levaram ao titulo deste post):

«For the past year and change, the American conversation about women and leadership has revolved around challenges of work-life balance — which most of the time actually means "work-family balance."
The women we're hearing fromAnne-Marie Slaughter, Sheryl Sandberg, and the rest — aren't jetting out of the office at 5:30 to train for a marathon or learn Chinese or even just binge-watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. They're leaving "early" to take care of their children. And so we talk about having it all, leaning in, or opting out — and we talk about women who don't make it to the very top of their companies, still, as if it's a personal choice.
The truth is — as many have pointed out — that lots of ambitious people, male and female, make personal choices that take them off the path of leadership. It's also true that women are often gently but firmly nudged off this path more frequently than men, when work and family invariably clash. And that is a problem. Not just for the women, but for the companies missing out on the benefits of diversity and the economy that's not playing with a full talent deck Continue a ler.

De facto, apetece sublinhar que as organizações não podem cometer o erro de não beneficiarem de todo o talento disponível, que só o será se o todo incluir, de maneira interdependente, e em igualdade na diferença, feminino e masculino. E por esta via, também, as tão desejadas sinergias. 

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