terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013

ELA BHATT: “Poverty is day-to-day violence, no less destructive than war”

Ela Bhatt at the Qalandia Women's Cooperative.jpg
Ela Bhatt

Há uns tempos a colega Adelaide Rocha falou-nos deste discurso,  de Ela Bhatt,  que esta proferiu quando recebeu o prestigiado Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development 2013 by President of India Pranab Mukherjee. Bastava ler o  excerto com que no Elders é destacado para se perceber a força do discurso: “Poverty is day-to-day violence, no less destructive than war”. De facto, a violência da pobreza pode equiparar-se à violência da guerra. E o conteúdo do discurso também é bem revelado pela introdução inicial: «Ela Bhatt re-examines our idea of peace, arguing that equity, local economies and the empowerment of women through work are central to supporting economic freedoms, and therefore peace». E mais esta outra passagem em que diz que « ausência de guerra não é paz»: «Certainly, absence of war is not peace. Peace is what keeps war away, but it is more than that; peace disarms and renders war useless. Peace is a condition enjoyed by a fair and fertile society. Peace is about restoring balance in society; only then is it lasting peace. In my view, restoration and reconstruction of a society are essential and key components of the peace process worldwide».  E disse também, como pode verificar:  "If food, shelter, clothing, primary education, primary healthcare and primary banking are locally produced and consumed, we will have the growth of a new holistic economy, that the world will sit up and take notice" e  «Catching up with western economic models will turn us into incompetent followers, not leaders. But if we address the realities of our own countries, we can create a development that makes us leaders of our destiny," Entretanto, se quiser saber mais sobre Ela Bhatt pode, por exemplo, recorrer à Wikipedia donde, aliás, tirámos a imagem acima.

Nelson Mandela

Mas não podiamos deixar de aproveitar esta ocasião para chamarmos a atenção sobre os The Elders, em cujo site, como viu, está disponibilizado o discurso, e de que Ela Bhatt faz parte. «The Elders is an independent group of global leaders who work together for peace and human rights. They were brought together in 2007 by Nelson Mandela, who is not an active member of the group but remains an Honorary Elder». «The Helders»:  Martti Ahtisaari; Kofi Annan; Ela Bhatt; Lakhdar Brahimi; Gro Harlem Brundtland; Fernando H Cardoso; Jimmy Carter; Graça Machel; Mary Robinson; Desmond Tutu.
Mas saiba mais através deste video:

E a todo o momento The Elders está nos endereços na coluna à direita.

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