Na última Noticias TV (imagem da capa acima) um artigo de Nuno Cardoso sobre a imagem da mulher na TV chamou-nos a atenção. Aqui está :
(clique na imagem para ler)
O trabalho, como se pode ler, assenta num estudo da socióloga americana Stacy L. Smith, de que fomos à procura. Nessa busca encontrámos um artigo sobre o mesmo assunto da Notícias TV, aqui no
que nos permite, de maneira ágil, chegar a um conjunto de sitios que nos dão mais informação sobre esta matéria, bem como sobre a igualdade de género em geral. Por exemplo, ao Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media já noso conhecido mas que é de assinalar:
E de que trata este Instituto? veja:
What is the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media?Founded in 2004 by Academy Award®-winning actor and advocate Geena Davis, the Institute and its programming arm, See Jane, are at the forefront of changing female portrayals and gender stereotypes in children's media and entertainment. The Institute is uniquely positioned to spotlight gender inequalities at every media and entertainment company through cutting-edge research, education, training, strategic guidance and advocacy programs. Our mission is to work within the entertainment industry to dramatically alter how girls and women are reflected in media.
Eu já gostava de Geena Davis, (quem não se lembra dela em "Thelma and Louise," com Susan Sarandon !), então agora ...
Geena Davis
E saiba sobre Stacy Smith, cujo cv começa assim: Stacy L. Smith (Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999) joined the USC Annenberg faculty in the fall of 2003. Her research focuses on children’s responses to mass media portrayals (television, film, video games) of violence, gender and hypersexuality. Dr. Smith has written more than 50 journal articles, book chapters, and reports on content patterns and effects of the media on youth. Further, she has received multiple "top paper" awards for her research from the Instructional Developmental Division of the International Communication Association. In terms of the popular press, Dr. Smith’s research has been written about in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Huffington Post, Newsweek, The Hollywood Reporter, Variety,, The Boston Globe, and USA Today. She also has a co-edited essay in Maria Shriver’s book, A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything. (...). +
Stacy L. Smith
Enfim, mulheres do mundo.
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