Proveniente do onvg tivemos conhecimento de um conjunto de publicações e afins que aceitam artigos, e com gosto as divulgamos aqui, tendo-se cuidado da sua «ilustração». E atrevemo-nos a mencionar que talvez a cultura e as artes pudessem ser objeto de alguns desses trabalhos. De facto, não há muito coisa neste amplo setor e que é o nuclear do Em Cada Rosto Igualdade. Por isso a sinalização.
Gender & Society
Gender & Society (GENDSOC) is a peer-reviewed journal, focused on the study of gender. It is the official journal of Sociologists for Women in Society, and was founded in 1987 as an outlet for feminist social science. Currently, it is a top-ranked journal in both sociology and women's studies. Gender & Society publishes less than 10% of all papers submitted to it. Articles appearing in Gender & Society analyze gender and gendered processes in interactions, organizations, societies, and global and transnational spaces. The journal primarily publishes empirical articles, which are both theoretically engaged and methodologically rigorous, including qualitative, quantitative, and comparative-historical methodologies.Gender & Society also publishes reviews of books from a diverse array of social science disciplines.
Gender, Work & Organization
Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday life and society has become more and more widespread. Appropriately social sciences research is reflecting this increasing concern with gender, especially in the field of work and organization where this journal is focused. Gender, Work & Organization is the first journal to bring together a wide range of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a new international forum for debate and analysis. Contributions are invited from all disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, history, labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology.
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society
Social Politics is the journal for incisive analyses of gender, politics and policy across the globe. It takes on the critical emerging issues of our age: globalization, transnationality and citizenship, migration, diversity and its intersections, the restructuring of capitalisms and states. We engage with feminist theoretical issues and with theories of welfare regimes, "varieties of capitalism," the ideational and cultural turns in social science, governmentality and postcolonialism. We are looking for articles that engage in this exciting mix of debates that will be of interest to our multidisciplinary and international audience.

Gender and Education
Gender and Education is an international forum for discussion of multidisciplinary educational research and ideas that focus on gender as a category of analysis. Contributors should bear in mind that they are addressing an international audience. The journal grew out of a feminist politics and is committed to developing the critical discussion of gender and education in its broadest sense. It is particularly interested in the place of gender in relation to other key social differences and seeks to further feminist knowledge, theory, consciousness, action and debate. We welcome contributions which examine and theorize the interrelated experiences of women and girls and men and boys, and how these shape and are shaped by other social differences. We therefore expect articles to go beyond the simple description of what boys / men and girls / women do. Education will be interpreted in a broad sense to cover both formal and informal aspects, including nursery, primary and secondary education; youth cultures inside and outside schools; adult, community, further and higher education; vocational education and training; media education; parental education.
Contributors are asked to avoid unnecessary or mystifying jargon and to use non-sexist and non-racist language.
Peer Review Policy:
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

Journal of Gender Studies
The Journal of Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary journal which publishes articles relating to gender from a feminist perspective covering a wide range of subject areas including the Social and Natural Sciences, Arts and Popular Culture. Reviews of books and details of forthcoming conferences are also included.
The Journal of Gender Studies seeks articles from international sources and aims to take account of a diversity of cultural backgrounds and differences in sexual orientation. It encourages contributions which focus on the experiences of both women and men and welcomes articles, written from a feminist perspective, relating to femininity and masculinity and to the social constructions of relationships between men and women.
Gender and Development
Gender & Development is the only journal published to focus specifically on international gender and development issues, and to explore the connections between gender and development initiatives, and feminist perspectives.
The journal is co-published by Oxfam and Taylor & Francis. Read more about the journal here.
Gender and History
Gender & History is now established as the major international journal for research and writing on the history of femininity and masculinity and of gender relations. Spanning epochs and continents, Gender & History examines changing conceptions of gender, and maps the dialogue between femininities, masculinities and their historical contexts. The journal publishes rigorous and readable articles both on particular episodes in gender history and on broader methodological questions which have ramifications for the discipline as a whole.
Gender Issues
Interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope, Gender Issues includes political, economic, social and behavioral analyses with diverse perspectives and policy conclusions. In contrast to many other publications in this field, Gender Issues does not focus on women as an insular group; it broadens the perspective to include men’s issues, and the extensive effect of changing sex roles on gender relations.
Gender Issues is dedicated to publishing basic and applied research on the relationships between men and women; on similarities and differences in socialization, personality, and behavior; and on the changing aspirations, roles, and status of women in industrial, urban societies as well as in developing nations.
Gender Issues encourages contributions from scholars in all areas of the social sciences, as well as letters to the editor, and incisive reviews of important literature from all sides of the debate about gender relations
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